Wednesday, 5 February 2014

New Year, New Possibilities!

This year I'm in a new city with many new, shiny possibilities. Although this meant several heartfelt goodbyes to five fantastic years in London I'm committed to making 2014 a really great year! 

So, how am I going to do this? Well here is my plan of action:

1. Read more! Escapism, learning, facts, joy, hurt, humour, new words, new perspectives....books have it in spades.

2. Keep fit...and enjoy it.

Last year I started a routine of running twice a week and I kept it up. This year I really want to maintain this and work on my strength too, just like these lovely ladies...go team!

3. Art, Art and more Art! Always room for more art in my life.

4. Lets be friends! I'm going to step outside of my comfort zone and be open to meeting new people. Friends make life amazing, bearable, fun and interesting and I think there is always room for more! 

5. And finally....I am going to keep this statement in mind:

P.s. Thank you to Pinterest for these photos.

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